Tuesday, 6 January 2009

The Babysitter Returns Again

Just a quick post to say - now that those pesky holidays are over with, it's finally time to get back to work and regular posts are back on. YAY!

Keep your eyes peeled for a new post this Sunday - which will either be Blood Sinister or something else. Depending if the 'something else' arrives on time, and also on whether I can actually face anymore drippy teenage tales of vampires and whatever blah blah blah (I'm looking at you, Twilight...stupid sexy Twilight.)



Anonymous said...


I'm looking forward to this. I love the Fear Street blogs, but... I actually read Point Horrors.

Fear Street said...

Can't wait.

Twilight makes my brain hurt...

Anonymous said...

anonymous i agree! i love the fear street and shadyside snark sites but i never read the books as a teen. unlike point horror which i was obsessed with!

keep up the good blog-work, it's awesome :)

The Babysitter said...

Thanks guys! I'm feeling pretty pumped up at getting back on the Point Horror bandwagon.

Also, RE: Twilight, I'm sure everyone in the universe has seen this already but if you haven't, it's pretty fucking hilarious: http://oxymoronassoc.livejournal.com/462027.html

Anonymous said...

I expected it to be some unfunny garbage but to my surprise!

Anonymous said...

My eyes are peeled from now. I also wonder if I should dig up some of my old Point Horrors... I know I have some in the attic. In a box. Somewhere.